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American Family Advocacy Center Blog

Sage Wisdom Press - books and more for anyone seeking information about child welfare

Legal Resources - for attorneys only, parents not allowed

Family Advocate Consumer Advisory - exposing harmful advocates

The Mighty Pen

If you don't know your rights, you have no rights.

If you know your rights and the court won't enforce your rights, you have no rights.

The Pen is Mightier Than the Gavel blog.

FRAI Project

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Our director has been targeted by the government for her highly effective advocacy and activism, and is under a Colorado Supreme Court injunction against the Unauthorized Practice of Law (UPL). Despite the fact that this injunction is limited and she still expressly retained her first amendment rights to speak and publish on this issues, the Colorado Supreme Court has contrived to interpret the acts expressly permitted in that injunction to constitute a violation of the injunction. It was by this mechanism that she was subsequently found to be contempt of the Colorado Supreme Court, despite the complete absence of any evidence which would support the court's finding that she violated that injunction. It took the Special Master, the Honorable Judge Lucero nearly TWO YEARS to issued his judgement. Ms. Shell was fined $6,000--an egregious amount that represented more income than she had earned in the prior ten years and the subsequent five years combined.

Ms. Shell did not violate the injunction. She did prove that she didn't violate the injunction, and showed there was no evidence submitted at the hearing to support the contempt finding, because she was granted expanded media coverage and filmed the entire contempt hearing. However, and alas, in a bald-faced attempt to suppress the truth that would expose the egregious nature of this proceeding and the subsequent unsupported findings, the Judge Lucero and the Colorado Supreme Court seized her video tapes of that hearing and have refused to release her registered, copyrighted video tapes despite her repeated demands for those tapes. These tapes provide graphic proof that Ms. Shell relied on the law and the plain language of the injunction to her detriment and that the only evidence submitted by the prosecution was the opinion "we just know she did it."

As a result of this calculated deceptive manipulation of facts absent supporting evidence by the highest court in Colorado, Ms. Shell is acutely aware than
any conversation with family members--no matter how benign--can and will be construed to be a violation of the injunction based on nothing more than an accusation and a personal opinion of a hostile witness who never heard the conversation. Therefore, she will not discuss your case with you. Do not contact her requesting her assistance. She will not provide any and she will not respond to your request. If you disregard this warning, be advised, every phone call will be recorded. This is because the Colorado Supreme Court does not require the state to prove it's case against her, but because the Colorado Supreme Court requires Ms. Shell, as the accused, to prove her innocence. She will be required to prove what she did not say, and recording the phone call is the only way to prove it.

However, you may request your attorney to contact her.

She will not call your attorney, your attorney must call her.

If your attorney wants to consult with her, he/she must provide a letter on his law office letterhead stating he/she is hiring her before she will discuss your case with your attorney. This may be
emailed as a pdf document. Ms. Shell can provide attorney references to your lawyer if required. Her CV and contact information are here.

You may also find the information you need on this web site. Because the State of Colorado requires Ms. Shell to prove her innocence, please sign the guestbook before you access any of her documents. Once again, this is to prove that she did not suggest what documents you should use, but that you accessed and used the information independent of any personal recommendation by Ms. Shell. The Supreme Court did not consider the testimony of her witnesses that she did not advise them what documents to access or use to be credible, so she must be able to prove this negative in the event they try to nail her again. Accordingly, you can expect the inventory of documents she makes available to the consumer to expand dramatically.

Important Notice about using this site

EMAIL THE AMERICAN FAMILY ADVOCACY CENTER ***  Our client lists are confidential. Please do not ask who disclosed certain information to AFAC. This information is not available to the public and will be vigorously guarded from disclosure to protect those clients whose children remain at risk of state-sanctioned kidnaping of their children.

Information included on these pages is not legal advice, we are not attorneys. You are advised to consult with an attorney on any legal matters.

Any legal documents on this site were prepared and/or drafted by attorneys or under the supervision of an attorney, or by pro se respondent parents and/or subject children and are published here with their permission. Any phone calls or other oral communications with our staff may be recorded at our discretion. Any person engaging in conversation with any of our staff is presumed to have given express consent to be recorded. ALL MATERIAL ON THESE PAGES IS COPYRIGHT 1996-2011 SUZANNE SHELL reproduction without written permission is prohibited.

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IF YOU COPY OR DISTRIBUTE ANYTHING ON THIS WEB SITE, YOU ARE ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT. You agree that the act of copying, as defined in the terms, whether you prepay any fees or not, constitutes your express intent to enter into a contract with the copyright owner as defined in COPYRIGHT NOTICE & TERMS (READ BEFORE ACCESSING THIS WEB SITE) - Copyright 1996- 2011, Suzanne Shell and individual contributors where appropriate. The content if this web site is intended to generate income, it is not free if you intend to archive, copy, print, distribute or create a derivative work of anything electronically fixed herein. Simply put, read, browse, learn freely. Copy, print, save, or distribute - get permission first or pay.

Reproduction and distribution prohibited without permission. This web site is licensed to be viewed on a computer device only while connected on the Internet connected to this web site. This license expressly does not include off-line viewing of content. Permission and limited, non-exclusive license to reproduce this web site, by any method including but not limited to magnetically, digitally, electronically or hard copy, may be purchased for $5,000 (five thousand dollars) per printed hard copy page per copy, in advance of printing. We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, check, money order or cash. WE DO NOT ACCEPT GOVERNMENT PO’S - this fee schedule applies to the general public and particularly to any state agency, employee, contractor, GAL, attorney or CPS service provider or any person listed on the Consumer Advisory.  CPS agencies and associates and our competitors have found this site to be extremely valuable, preferring the contents of this site to any other site. Hence, the premium price. Family Rights activists or advocates may obtain reduction or waiver of license fees  upon request. License and permission s expressly denied for any use in a court case or official proceeding without express written permission and prepayment of posted fees or fee waiver.

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All online purchases through Payloadz (tm) or Scribd or any other resource are nonrefundable. In the case of a dispute involving a purchase, the purchaser agrees that the record of electronic delivery generated by the online document delivery service shall constitute incontrovertible proof that the item charged was delivered to an authorized user of the credit card or online payment service account. If the card owner contests the charge and the document was delivered and we are charged fees for a charge back, cardholder agrees to pay to us the amount of the purchase plus $50 or double the purchase price, whichever is greater, upon demand.

Forum selection clause

Anyone visiting this site or copying any content belonging to the copyright owner consents to jurisdiction  and venue remaining in El Paso County, Colorado, or the United States District Court, District of Colorado, at the sole discretion of the copyright owner. This web site is registered with the United States Copyright Office.