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American Family Advocacy Center Blog
Sage Wisdom Press - books and more for anyone seeking information about child welfare
Legal Resources - for attorneys only, parents not allowed
Family Advocate Consumer Advisory - exposing harmful advocates
The Mighty Pen
If you know your rights and the court won't enforce your rights, you have no rights.
The Pen is Mightier Than the Gavel blog.
FRAI Project
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discussion of the practice of Family Advocacy.Archives are open to the public.
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Denver, CO April 25, 2007. . .More
Shell v. AFRA, CPS Watch, et al
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Welcome to AFAC resources.
Who are we?
We are:
The first to offer services and strategies to aggrieved families.
The creator of the independent Family Advocate.
The original advocate for Family Rights and the Fundamental Human Right to Family Association, making us the founder of the grassroots Family Rights movement.
The originator of the strategies and practices most recommended by all other family rights or parent's rights groups, making us the most imitated family rights resource anywhere.
AFAC is your most authoritative and reliable source for child welfare information, resources and proven strategies. Don't settle for cheap imitations, anti-family bias, pro-child abuse tendencies or incomplete understanding by unqualified and unproven leaders who brag that they know more than we do. They don't.
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