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The advice in this book will help you keep child welfare out of your house, teach you how to recognize if your children have been taught to turn their parents in for abuse such as spanking, and how to defat the government's attempt to kidnap your children into protective custody. It gives detailed advice on successfully fighting false allegations of child abuse in a system driven by perverse financial incentives administered by incompetent and uncaring professionals.
Did you know that less than .10% (yes that is one tenth of one percent) of child abuse/neglect cases ever go to trial? Parents are usually coerced by their own attorneys to accept a plea bargain or admit that they abused or neglected their children. Often, when the parents insist on going to trial, their attorney will withdraw, leaving them without legal representation.
The child abuse industry is a multibillion dollar business, which exploits the children it purports to protect. The administrative and judicial abuses are so institutionalized so as to render the process unrecognizable as legitimate American jurisprudence.
Forewarned is forearmed.
M. Smith, Texas
This is one of the best books have read on the subject. The author is well-informed and provides tons of information and sound advice. This book is not about protecting child abusers, its about protecting innocent children from being abused by the agency who claims to protect them. You owe it to yourself and your children to have this book on hand before you need it. W. Joslin, Texas
An astonishing and gut-wrenching expose of the "child protection" industry--how it misuses its authority and abuses parents and children. But horror stories can be found anywhere. This book give parents ammunition to protect themselves, or, if necessary, fight back and win. Give it to every parent=to=be in America. It may cost more than a romper, but could save a family from heartbreak, despair and bankruptcy. D. Petryk, New York.
Profane Justice: A Comprehensive Guide to Asserting Your Parental Rights. Second Edition
Profane Justice Second Edition is almost sold out. Get your copy before they are all gone.
Your children may be the first line of defense against a state-sanctioned seizure!
This is the first book in the "I Have the Power" series of children's books. This book teaches four simple rules for children to follow when being questioned by authority figures, including police and social workers, to insure their safety and the safety of your family. These rules are simple enough for a four-year-old to follow and basic enough to apply to teens. This is the first and only book of its kind for children. Children who are empowered by the rules contained in this book have effectively shut down child welfare investigations and remained safely in the family home.
You may purchase a digital version of the book below @ $7.95.
Hello Sage Wisdom Press,
I got the file!!!!! Thank you so very much for the great file which is so clear and easier to understand for children. S