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“These depraved individuals diligently worked together to clear a twenty-year veteran of the NYC Police Department of child abuse charges and even child support. They further destroyed evidence.
“Could this be why you virtually never hear about judges, police, district attorneys or politicians being arrested for child abuse?”
Dyandria Darel is Jane’s mom - who turned activist and author when the child protection system failed her daughter. She made headlines when she rescued her daughter from foster care. Read her story, which includes reproductions many of Jane’s messages to her mother. She names names. Compelling reading that graphically illustrates why we can’t rely on the courts for justice.
Ms. Darel caught her former husband, Gerard Joseph Murray, in bed naked with their young daughter, masturbating. By the time she backed out of the doorway and returned with the camera, he had covered his genitals and was pretending to be asleep. She photographed it and filed for divorce.
He reportedly got custody of the child, in part because New York CPS said the pictures didn’t matter, they were “too old.” This photograph was published in the Village Voice in New York city and is published here. . .but be forewarned, it contains adult nudity. If you are offended by this photo, don't bother reporting this image as child pornography, it has already been reported, investigated and determined by the FBI to not be illegal or pornographic. We are using it as a graphic illustration of the nature of child welfare.
Note the child in the bed with the naked man. This is not a unique situation - rather, this disgusting account accurately illustrates an all-too frequent example of the actual administration of child welfare, proving that child protection is not about protecting children.
New York city tried to gag this mother from exposing New York City’s efforts to cover up this alleged sexual abuse, and jailed her when someone else broadcast this image on cable access television. NOTE: Proceeds go to help the author. Dyandria was jailed for 28 months for CIVIL contempt of court (unconstitutionally denied a jury trial) because she reportedly tried to expose what she discovered.
For the record - AFAC obtained these photos and this story from a confidential source OTHER than Dyandria {Murray) Darel. Ms. Darel has no knowledge of this publication and had no input into it. Publication of this information by others is what landed her in jail, a retribution for daring to expose New York's bias against the best interests of the child.